
CapTrader - For traders who simply want more

CapTrader is online brokerage for investors and traders who want the optimum in global stock market trading. In terms of offer, technology and conditions.

Voucher code: CAPTRADER-TX

The main features of the TradersYard-X platform

Get your TradersYard-X platform for free

Use coupon code CAPTRADER-TX to get a free license for the TradersYard-X standard trading platform worth 30 EUR monthly – free of charge.

Open your CapTrader securities account in a few minutes. Secure connection through SSL encryption.

For $19mth.

Main Whitelabel

DayTrading Coach tuned TY-X Platform

Work in the excatly same trading environ-ment that Martin Goersch uses every Day for his trading and analysis.

With the Whitelabel you also get access to the DTC Premium Group. Click here to join the vibrant DTC Premium community.

for Free

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